As we emulate His perfect example our hands can become His hands, our eyes His eyes and our heart His heart. - President Uchtdorf

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I think Elder Matua may have shopped at the discount store, hence the picture
Well, this week's email is Elder Matua's testimony in Samoan. I've translated it into English so you can understand. Enjoy!!

Ia faafetai mo le faamalosiau ma le agalelei! Ia ou te lagona le musumusuga a le Agaga Pa'ia i le faasoa atu o la'u molimau ia te outou.
Ou te iloa oloo soifua le Atua ma lona alo o Iesu Keriso, e le mafai ona faamatala atu o lo'u alofa mo i la'ua. Ou te tula'i mai ma molimau atu ia te oe e moni ma faamaoni le talalelei a Iesu Keriso, e leai ma so'u masalosalo. Ua ou vaai i le galuega ua alualu i luma! Ou te alofa i lenei galuega talu ai ona ua ou tala'i atu le talalelei ina ia mafai ona ou aumaia tagata o loo leiloloa. Ia o lo'u molimau ua alualu i luma i le iloaina e iai sa'u Faaola, sa faapea ona tafetoto lona tino. Ou te tuuina atu le faafetai tele mo Ia talu ai ona o loo Ia silafia a'u ma lo'u puapuagatia.
Ou te tuuina atu le faafetai mo faifeau o loo nonofo i le tatou eria talu ai ona ua iloa e la'ua le ta'ua o lo'u uso!!!!!!  Ou te tagi aua ua la faaaogaina le la taimi e fesoasoani i si o'u uso . Ou te tatalo atu i le Alii mo le musumusuga a le Agaga Pa'ia sa faapea ona taitai la'ua i lo'u uso.
Ia o loo soifua se perofeta i lenei vaitaimi, o loo taitai le Ekalesia a Iesu Keriso ole Au Pa'ia o Aso e Gata Ai. Sa vaai Iosefa i le Atua ma lona alo o Iesu Keriso ma sa fai atu le Atua ia te ia, "E iai se galuega e ofoofogia mo oe"! Sa toefuatai e ia le talalelei a Iesu Keriso i le lalolagi ma toefuatai le perisitua a le Atua! Ia O lo'u molimau lea, faafetai ile Tama Faalelagi mo lenei avanoa sa faapea ona faasoa atu o la'u molimau ia te outou. Ou te alofa atu ia te outou mo le tou lagolago ma le tausiaina o a'u.
I love you and can not wait to talk to you all on Sunday!!
Love you and have a great week:)

Thank you for your encouragement and goodness. I feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost as I share my testimony with you.
I know that God and His son Jesus Christ live, I can't even begin to explain the love I have for them. I stand and testify to you that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and faithful, I know without a doubt. I can see the work moving forward. I love this work, I am preaching the gospel so that I can bring it to people who are lost. My testimony continues to grow and I know that I have a Savior, who bled for me. I give thanks to Him and I know that He knows me and my struggles.
I'm grateful for the missionaries serving at home because they have sought out my brother (Tai). I cried knowing that they have sacrificed some of their time to help my brother. I prayed to the Lord to prompt them through the Holy Ghost to seek out my brother.
I know that we have a living prophet today, who leads the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Joseph saw God and His Son Jesus Christ, and God spoke to him and said, "I have a marvelous work for you to do." He restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth, and the priesthood of God. This is my testimony, I'm grateful that my Heavenly Father has given me the opportunity to share my testimony with you. I love you for the care and support you have given me.

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