As we emulate His perfect example our hands can become His hands, our eyes His eyes and our heart His heart. - President Uchtdorf

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's getting colder here.
Sorry everyone, I know it's been over two weeks since the last post but it's been kind of a stressful two weeks. Let me start by saying that the Lord has granted miracles on Elder Matua's behalf. The first miracle was that New Zealand wasn't impacted by Cyclone Pam as we had initially heard. Elder Matua said that they prepared for the worst but in the end they got a lot of rain and some wind but nothing life threatening. The second miracle is that he's doing better physically. We heard from him at odd times on email days because he was really sick. He had to be driven everywhere. He spent a night in the hospital and then a week in bed. I won't go into details, other than to say that it was serious enough physically that he almost had to be down for 6 weeks. But thankfully the Lord has allowed him to recover and he's back to full activity and loving it. Being down for a week was driving him mad (and I'm sure his companion).He's still in Papatoetoe, going on 6 1/2 months, but transfers are this week and he's pretty certain that he'll be moved. So, we'll update everyone next week. He got an AWESOME surprise this week!!! Elder Burns (his former companion) and his family are in New Zealand and they stopped in to visit him and drop off his Easter treats. He was SO happy to see them!!!
The Elders and the Burns Family
Anyway, he didn't send a weekly rundown the last couple of weeks due to illness, and then we were out of town this last weekend for Spring Break and Easter and we didn't have good reception for phone or email.
REUNITED with Elder (Kris) Burns
Hopefully we'll get a better picture of what he has been up to for the past couple of weeks.

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